Voraussetzungen für einen Distributor von Mutual Fund Software

We justify the prerequisites of a distributor in many terms by this online mutual fund software named as “wealth e office” effectively used by more than 2500+ CFPs and MF Advisors in more than 400 Indian cities. What once would have been a challenging task is now made simple by good portfolio management software.

We chose a software methodology that is based on the idea that when an investor makes a small investment, the time comes for him to move on from basic investment to more investment by considering market standards. In a similar vein, we have developed a variety of software products for distributors, ranging in size from small to robust mutual fund software. Our software includes reports classification as given below-

AUM report differentiation by advisors: When working with a corporation, it becomes necessary to hide advisor-specific AUM, so we are unable to display overall AUM. Fortunately, our software offers the option to view AUM by sub brokers. Use in particular for businesses that are in charge of upholding client investments handled by subbrokers while also maintaining privacy and security.

Historical transaction records- Wealth e office software is used by distributor professionals to track the risk and return characteristics of their clients’ portfolios over time. There are also live NAV updates and sensex updates for equity funds.

Asset allocation in mutual fund investments – There is asset allocation for every investment, whether it be in equity or debt, and there is also a subcategorization for these categories. We provide these details to you in this mutual fund software for IFA, and it will then reflect to your client. These details are not provided by any other vendor on the same page. Due to the category’s flexibility, which includes the options DIVERSIFIED, INCOME, SECTOR, BALANCED, and TAX SAVING FUNDS (ELSS), it is possible to check for all clients at once.

There may be many clients who were with you but are no longer, or it may be possible that some clients who had investments with you but are no longer in regular contact with you to invest more should be your focus. In either case, the software is there to help you as it provides you with a list of your dead clients, zero balance clients, non-SIP, non-MIP, and ELSS clients. A positive note of the current AUM status as well as the AUM status after the investment done by the following clients available in the list will be provided in the software’s excel file, increasing the likelihood that they will invest. The advisor must concentrate on it and execute the portfolio management strategy in front of the investor using current reports so that he will try to invest more or, at the very least, will consider beginning an alternative investment to keep money safe and volatile for many years without any redemption.

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