3 Why We Need Software Testing

Software testing is a crucial phase of the software development life cycle. It’s a procedure that makes sure our software product is of the highest caliber and most reliable. It is used to evaluate the quality and accuracy of the software that has been created. Software testers carry out specific actions in a specific order during software testing to make sure the quality objectives have been met.

Software Test Life Cycle is a term used to describe the systematic and planned manner in which testing is typically conducted. All software testing-related activities must be managed and controlled by the STLC. You could think of it as the software testing validation process. During the software development process, SDLC and STLC coexist.

Software testing is important because of the following three major reasons:

(1)To meet the customer requirements

A set of requirements serves as the foundation for creating software. Your clients or customers, for whom you will be developing the software, frequently give you these specifications. As part of the software testing process, the tester determines whether or not the software meets the needs and expectations of the intended user. To make sure that the software application’s actual result matches what was anticipated, a component or components are checked using a variety of techniques.

(2)To Identify and remove software bugs

Software testing guarantees that your code is error-free.

The term “software bug” generally refers to an error or defect found during the testing process. Software bugs or defects can occur for many different reasons, including when the code is being written. These bugs can cause significant issues later on when using the software if they are not promptly found and fixed. A tester can find bugs in the software by using a variety of testing techniques. Following the correction of these bugs, the software’s particular module is tested once more or as necessary.

(3)To avoid failure of application in future

Poorly tested software often fails in later stages and may reflect poorly on the company that developed it. Furthermore, if flaws are discovered at a later stage of development, they are very challenging to fix and the application is very complex and expensive to maintain.

Thus, if you want to stay in business, it is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your software application, which can be accomplished by using software testing techniques to their full potential.

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